Kate Lee O'Connor - Kate Lee & Forrest O’Connor | 1925 Amedee Dieudonne.
"My parents knew I would need a good instrument for college auditions, and violins can be pretty expensive so they sold their ‘66 Mustang to buy it. It’s been a dream of mine to one day buy them a Mustang back if I ever make it big haha! I love the tone and playability of that violin and it will always mean so much to me because of what my parents did to buy it for me. I can’t ever imagine replacing it!.
I do have a back-up violin that I sometimes bring on stage as well for alternate tunings. I’ve collected a lot of signatures on that one, mostly from bluegrass fiddlers, but also from some other artists I’ve gotten to meet or work with. Some of my favorite signatures are from Alison Krauss and Charlie Daniels."
Who is your favorite Rochester musician?
"That’s so tough! Lou Gramm is the first person who comes to mind. I don’t know if a better rock singer exists, and he’s made so much great music. However, the Rochester musicians who had the most influence on me were my teachers, co-writers, and bandmates. I was so fortunate to have been able to learn how to play, sing, write, and perform in such a great music community."
What is your favorite Rochester music venue?
"I’d have to say the Eastman! I grew up performing there with the RPYO and it’s been a dream come true to perform there as part of the Mark O’Connor Band a few years ago and now to perform at Eastman’s Kilbourn Hall for the upcoming Kate Lee & Forrest O’Connor show on the 10th!"
Why do you love the Rochester music scene?
"I love the Rochester music scene for a lot of reasons. In addition to being a great place for all kinds of music, there are lots of musicians who truly love to collaborate with and teach other musicians, and Rochester music fans are so loyal. My family and I have met some of our closest friends through my shows growing up because people would come out to support what we were doing week after week."