New Politics | Armory basement Rochester, NY. | 09.08.17
Fresh off the Unity Tour with 311, New Politics visited one of the original cities to call themselves "NEWBS" and my hometown, Rochester, NY.
This ended up being a reunion show of sorts, joined by the crew from A Bad Girl in Harlem Tour we had a blast like it was 2014!
I can never say enough how grateful I am for the opportunities I've had to work with Fender and these guys!
Fender sent us their all new ukes to photograph and for Soren to play at the show. These ukes are so cool! Here are a few of the images I took for Fender. -
When I heard they would be playing the basement of the Main Street Armory I was a super excited and a bit worried all at once. The basement is a smaller venue that is amazing for intimate shows but as a photographer it's also super dark.
This ended up being probably my favorite New Politics show ever! The best crowd ever!!! Seriously you guys are amazing!
David, Louis and Soren we so excited to play a smaller venue full of their fans and put on an amazing show.
I cranked my canon's ISO to 12800 and went to work.
This show was just weeks shy of their new album release so we were treated to tons of new music from Lost In Translation and of course all our favorites from Vikings, A Bad Girl in Harlem and Self titled! -
A huge giant THANK YOU to Fender, Billy, Soren, Louis, David, the entire Crush fam, Tyler, Matt, Tyler and Teri! Love you guys -
Please go get New Politics new album Lost In Translation and be sure to go see these dudes live!
New Politics
Get Lost In Traslation HERE
Get Fender Ukes HERE